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Friday, February 29, 2008
5:15 AM

so..im in acjc already..really happy..haha..when i received the news, i was so overjoyed; no amt of words is able to describe fully what i felt at that time

daddy god, i just thank you so much for all u have done..even during the times where i am faithless; during the times when everything seem to go wrong, u are faithful. i thank you for loving me so much and i continue to rest in your love for me - in that love that NEVER fails. And even during the times where in abounds, i thank you that ur grace super abounds. amen

i know and believe that you who have started a good work in me, shall perfect it until the perfect day

Monday, February 18, 2008
4:09 AM

Daddy, i just believe that You will not let me down; You will be faithful to see it through. Amen

You who have begun a good work in me shall perfect it until the perfect day

Thursday, January 31, 2008
7:55 AM

so i got 11 pts for Os...
i believe that i will be able to go to acjc in jesus' name
though it isnt something i expected, but i believe that everything will work out for my good

Daddy, i really cannot stand myself making so many mistakes...why cant i be able to do it atleast decently...its really irritating....i just keep seeing so many mistakes on my part..ppl say it ok but to me, its really not ok..its been 3 weeks and i am still unable to do things decently..im just so tired, irritated and angry..but daddy, u just let ur grace flow in this area of my weakness and let ur strength be perfect in it. daddy, i also pray that u would give me a fresh revelation of your love for me and a fresh revelation of resting in you. Amen

Daddy, i believe that it is you who placed this desire in my heart and you will see me through it. Amen. And just let me see ur goodness and ur faithfullness towards me again.

Thursday, January 10, 2008
6:27 AM

daddy, im just starting to get blown away by ur goodness in my life. u are seriously so amazing - no words can ever come close to describing it. looking back, u have been leading me each step of the way and although times did get tough, i know u were there with me, bringing me through it. i just thank you for all u have done and will be doing in my life. i also want to thank you for placing such wonderful ppl in my life. they are really so precious to me. surely goodness and mercies shall hunt me down all the days of my life. amen.

jesus, i just love u so so much - i love because u first poured ur love on me

Saturday, January 5, 2008
10:03 AM

so a new year has begun and my acjc orientation has just ended.
this is a really very big step for me..but i believe that jesus, u will see me through it
i just saw how much change are there in my og....they may not be the best but jesus, u really have done an amazing work..whatever change that occured, i believe, is because u
and i just thank you jesus - for placing myron, felicia and joel in my life...without them, i dun think i could've survived my orientation...they are just such amazing people.
whatever i am going through now, i believe everything will work out for good - especially for me.
my trust is in u and in u alone.
i know that i will not be the same anymore.

the path of the righteous will keep on shining brighter and brighter
You who have started a good work in me, will perfect it until the perfect day
blessed be Your name

Friday, December 28, 2007
7:36 AM

Lord, refresh me; pour Your love on me all over again.
im just so tired...Your love is all that i need and i just lean on that love of Yours

Monday, December 17, 2007
9:15 AM

i believe that it is now the season for me to receive, receive and receive so i can grow, grow much more in the Lord
i know that i will just be so blessed in arrow..pastor benjamin is really an anointed pastor; under his leadership, i believe that i will grow so much more

Lord, just reveal to me more of Jesus and His finished work. Amen.

Let not my eyes be on myself, but let it be on Jesus
Behold Him in His beauty and let me be transformed into His image